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Meerkat Blog

Our blog covers insights and practical tips to reduce your reliance on debt and build up resilience for financial emergencies in a simple, cost-effective and tailor made way.


Debt Review, Debt help, debt collection

What happens if you don't pay your debt in South Africa?

3 min read

If you don't pay your debt in South Africa, many companies may get a debt collector to collect a...

loans, financial literacy, payday loans

How to avoid the danger of payday loans

2 min read

What is a payday loan in South Africa? A payday loan refers to a short-term loan intended to give...

debt counselling, Debt, debt management, Debt Consolidation Loan

Get Out of Debt: 5 Proven Strategies to Pay Off Debt Fast in South Africa

5 min read

Struggling with debt can sometimes look like: Losing sleep trying to figure out how you will pay...

debt counselling, over-indebted, Debt

How much debt is too much debt in South Africa?

4 min read

In South Africa, more than 27 million people are credit active consumers in the formal credit...

car repayments, car reposession, car loans

South Africans are taking out bigger loans for their cars

3 min read

According to a report compiled by TransUnion, the average car loan amount South Africans are taking...

Debt Review, debt free, debt review meaning, debt management

Life after debt review: everything you need to know

3 min read

What happens after debt review? If you’re reading this you may be nearing or have successfully...
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